On our constant Endeavor to make Helpie better and solve more problems we released Helpie1.2.5 on HelpieWP.com. We discuss the major highlights of this release below, run along and you will not be disappointed.
1. Automatic Table of Contents
Let us say you are writing an Article called Automatic TOC, the moment you write a subtitle with tag h1(Select the sub-title and from the drop-down on the top left corner of the editor and select any heading name from the drop-down). This will help Helpie understand that the text is a Sub-title and it is automatically added as a subtitle in the TOC on the front-end.
Now see automatic TOC appear on the Front-end:
2. New Welcome Area Styling Features
Helpie1.2.5 has a lot of new styling features for the Hero section, it helps you promote your brand and gels in with the overall brand you are building so well, you would be delighted.
You could tweak the Welcome Area(Hero) Styling from Dashboard Helpdesk -> Helpie Settings -> Styles -> Style Settings. You can also add a background image from the “Welcome area background style” drop down.
3. Knowledgebase stats module
You can turn on Knowledge base stats that show the number of articles, number of Contributors and the total number of topics in the Knowledgebase.
Turn on stats module by going to Helpdesk -> Helpie Settings -> Main Page -> Show Stats from the Dashboard.
With all these features Helpie1.2.5 integrates so well with your website that you would forget it is a plugin. It also makes navigation easy and clearer with Automatic Table Of Contents. The stats module lets the data speak all the hard work that you have put into building a wonderful Knowledgebase. Try out Helpie 1.2.5 demo.
For any assistance, queries or feature suggestions please write to support@pauple.com.
No matter how good it is, if the license is not GPL, then I cannot use it.