Are you looking to limit/restrict access to certain content of knowledge base/wiki by member level?
Do you want to give access to your premium content only to members who have subscribed.
In this article, I will show you how you can restrict the Helpie Knowledge base/wiki content to certain member level by using restrict content pro and S2Member plugin.
Note: You can use any membership plugin. In this article,I have used the restrict content pro and s2Member plugin just for this tutorial purpose. You can use anything of your wish. The steps to be followed are almost going to be similar for every membership plugin.
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Restricting access to the knowledge base/wiki with s2Member:
Steps to follow:
- Install and Activate Helpie Kb/Wiki plugin.
- Install and Activate s2Member plugin.
Once you activated the s2Member plugin, by default you will have 4 membership levels accessible.
You can change the label of it if you wish in s2Member -> General options -> Membership levels/labels.
In this example, we will just consider one level, say ‘s2Member Level 1’.
Restricting access to the knowledge base/wiki
Global Level Restriction:
If you want to restrict the complete Knowledge base/wiki to everyone and should be displayed only to ‘s2Member Level1’, follow the below steps.
Go to Helpie KB Wiki -> Helpie settings -> Dynamic capabilities -> Can View.
Under Who can view -> Select By: Role -> Rule: Only -> Roles: s2Member Level 1.
Once saved, the whole Knowledge base will be displayed to only ‘s2Member Level1’.
If you want to restrict the Knowledge base to only ‘s2Member Level1’ and want it to be displayed for everyone else,
Under Who can view -> Select By: Role -> Rule: Everyone except -> Roles: s2Member Level 1.
In this way, the whole knowledge base will be displayed to everyone else except s2Member Level 1.
Category Level Restriction:
If you do not wish to restrict the whole knowledge base, but want to restrict only certain category of all articles, you can easily do by following the below simple steps.
From the WordPress Dashboard, Select Helpie Kb Wiki -> Wiki Category and edit the Wiki category you want to restrict.
Now follow the same steps which was followed in the Global Level restriction.
In this way, the whole category will be restricted to the particular member level.
The same steps can also be followed for sub-categories.
Article Level Restriction:
It is also possible to control the access level of a particular article. (Nothing is impossible with Helpie, lol).
From the WordPress Dashboard, Select Helpie Kb Wiki -> All articles and edit the article you want to restrict.
Now follow the same steps which was followed in the Global Level restriction.
In this way, the particular article will be restricted to the particular member level.
Also see: Best WordPress Membership plugins
Restricting access to the knowledge base/wiki with Restrict Content Pro:
Steps to follow:
- Install and Activate Helpie Kb/Wiki plugin.
- Install and Activate Restrict Content Pro plugin.
Create a new member level:
In this example, I will create a new member level called “Helpiemember” and will show you how to restrict the Kb/Wiki content to members of this level.
From the WordPress dashboard, Go to Restrict -> Subscription level and create a new level called “Helpiemember” and fill in the details.
Restricting access to the knowledge base/wiki
Global level restriction:
If you want to globally restrict the full knowledge base/wiki content to only the helpiemember level, you can follow the steps as mentioned below:
From the WordPress dashboard, go to Helpie KB Wiki -> Restrict Access.
In that, you will have an option to select who should have access to this content. Under that select Members of subscription level(s) -> Members of specific subscription levels. You will see the option “Helpie member” in that.
Once saved, the whole knowledge base/wiki content will be restricted to only the members of the “Helpie member” level.
Category level restriction:
If you do not wish to restrict the whole knowledge base, but want to restrict only certain category of all articles, you can easily do it by following the below simple steps.
From the WordPress Dashboard, Select Helpie Kb Wiki -> Wiki Category and edit the Wiki category you want to restrict.
In the subscription level option, select the Helpie member option. All the articles in that category will be restricted to only Helpie member level.
Article level restriction:
You can also restrict a particular article.
From the WordPress Dashboard, Select Helpie Kb Wiki -> All articles and edit the article you want to restrict.
Scroll down and you will see an option called Restrict this content below the editor.
Under that select Members of subscription level(s) -> Members of specific subscription levels. You will see the option “Helpie member” in that.