9+ Best WooCommerce Category Accordion, Menu & Listing Plugins (2024)

Want to improve your eCommerce store navigation and usability by displaying your product categories and sub-categories into accordions in the sidebar and other widget areas? Looking to showcase your WooCommerce product categories in sliders and in menu? You can use a WooCommerce category accordion plugin to achieve this. We give the best WooCommerce category accordion plugins of 2023, both free and premium.

If you are new to WordPress, you can easily create an eCommerce website in WordPress with less than 5 minutes.

With these plugins, you can display the WooCommerce categories list in Dropdown Accordions in the sidebar. Some plugins also allow WooCommerce nested categories and allow you to display them using a widget or shortcode.

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Best WooCommerce Category Accordion Plugins – 2023 – Premium

There are some good premium plugins with good features to create WooCommerce category accordions. Let’s see them:

1. Helpie Accordion Plugin



Helpie Accordion Plugin comes which these awesome features:

  • Ability to create menus for Woocommerce Categories or any other taxonomies of any CPT
  • Themes and Styles
  • Create FAQs for any post types including Woocommerce

Free Trial Now >>


2. YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion

YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin offers good usability by allowing you to manage the product categories and sub-categories which you want to include or exclude when displaying them in accordions. It provides a nice accordion menu for WooCommerce categories.

Best Features of YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin

  • Allows to add accordion menu is WordPress Sidebar and WooSidebars with options to show only pages you need using a widget
  • You can customize the colors of the accordions and has 5 customizable styles that are helpful in branding
  • Has a very useful category sorting options and you can sort my categories by ID, Name, WooCommerce Order, and Count
  • You can easily select the categories to be shown
  • Offers multiple options arrange the WooCommerce categories
  • Can Hide empty categories in accordion
  • Show your accordion with all categories closed
  • Can keep the  subcategories open when the user is visiting the parent categories


YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin starts from $49.99 for a single domain

Get YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin Now!

Also see: the best WooCommerce plugin to create an affiliate program

3. ZF WordPress Category Accordion plugin

ZF WordPress Category Accordion plugin allows showing the WordPress and WooCommerce categories as accordions using a shortcode or a widget. It also supports Easy Digital Downloads and WP-eCommerce.

Best Features of ZF WordPress Category Accordion plugin

  • Accordions are customizable with 7 color schemes
  • Can Include or Exclude any categories
  • Allows display accordions menu in any page
  • Can limit the number of categories/pages
  • Allows the expansion of 1st level child of the active category


ZF WordPress Category Accordion plugin is sold in CodeCanyon at $25 for 6 months support and support can be extended for $7.50

Get ZF WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin Now!

Pro Tip: you can easily create responsive tables in WordPress with Tablesome free table plugin

Best WooCommerce Category Listing Plugins

There are several WooCommerce Category plugins that you can use to beautifully showcase the various WooCommerce product categories. With the plugins below you can choose to display only the select product categories.

4. Category Slider for WooCommerce

Category Slider for WooCommerce by ShapedPlugin is a free WooCommerce Category plugin that enables you to visually filter and slide through a selection of WooCommerce Categories. Your product categories can be displayed along with a thumbnail, child category, description, and shop now button.

  • There is a Pro version that comes with more Styles, Slider controls, Content position, Thumbnail shapes, and more.
  • To display particular categories in the slider, use the shortcode generator to create an unlimited number of category sliders.
  • Additionally, you can hide empty categories in the list of categories you want to display.

Get Category Slider for WooCommerce plugin Now!

5. Product Slider for WooCommerce

Product Slider for WooCommerce by PickPlugins is a free WooCommerce Products Category Listing plugin to list WooCommerce product categories and showcase products category-wise.

  • Allows you to create an attractive product slider carousel on your site or shop and increase conversions & sales.
  • Comes with a built-in Shortcode Generator that controls the look and function of the product slider easily.
  • Supports more than one slider per page and includes unlimited color and styling options.
  • There is a Pro version that allows you to filter Best selling products and Top Rated products based on WooCommerce categories and tags.

Download Product Slider for WooCommerce plugin Now!

6. Product Category Showcase for WooCommerce

Product Category Showcase for WooCommerce is a free WooCommerce category list plugin that you can use to list WooCommerce product categories and showcase products category-wise. It is a simple and easy-to-use plugin that allows you to display your product categories in a responsive and customizable way. You can also display the products of each category in a grid or list view.

Get Product Category Showcase for WooCommerce plugin Now!

7. YITH WooCommerce Best Sellers

A WooCommerce plugin called YITH WooCommerce Best Sellers enables you to display the total sales generated by all of the products on the website along with a list of the best-selling items on a special bestseller page.

With the help of this plugin, you can choose how many top-selling items to display for each WooCommerce category. You can display the best-selling WooCommerce products in each category anywhere, not just on a bestsellers page or section. This includes the sidebar and other widget areas.

Get YITH WooCommerce Best Sellers plugin Now!

Best Free WooCommerce Category Accordion Plugins – 2023

Also see: the best WooCommerce points and rewards plugin

8. WPB Accordion Menu or Category

WPB Accordion Menu or Category is a free WordPress plugin to add WordPress category accordions. It is optimized for WooCommerce to be used as a WooCommerce category accordion plugin. It comes with nice animation effects and can setup icons in accordion easily.

It has smooth integrations with Elementor page builder that makes is a great Elementor product category and menu plugin and it gives you 2 custom Elementor widgets for showing the menu and categories accordion in the Elementor page.

Download WPB Accordion Menu or Category plugin Now!

Alse see: the best WooCommerce themes

9. Its Menu – WordPress Category Accordion Menu

Its Menu – WordPress Category Accordion Menu is a free WooCommerce sidebar category accordion plugin. It allows selecting a custom WordPress menu or any taxonomy like categories, post tags, WooCommerce product category, etc., as a source for accordion menus.

  • With the Its Menu plugin you can display your menu using WordPress widgets or shortcodes.
  • It has 6 Product category sidebar skins in the free version and 7 more skins in the pro version.
  • Category Accordions in the sidebar can have thumbnail images.

Download Iks WordPress Category Accordion Menu plugin Now!

10. WooCommerce Sidebar Category Accordion

Woocommerce Sidebar Category Accordion is a free plugin to add Woocommerce categories in the sidebar. It supports unlimited subcategories. The current category will be expanded when the page is loads. It has basic styling and additional styling and colors can be done through your themes CSS editor.

Download WooCommerce Sidebar Category Accordion plugin Now!

eCommerce Tip: You can answer products questions in product page using FAQs and help your customers with a customer knowledge base .

How to Add WooCommerce Product Categories to Menu

To add WooCommerce  Product Categories to your Menu, you may be looking for a woocommerce categories menu plugin. But you don’t need any because you can do this easily.

Go to Appearance → Menus. In this page go to Screen Options and tick the checkbox of Product Categories. This will give you an option to add product categories to your menu. Add all the Product Categories and Subcategories that you have to your menu.
You can also use it with a Mega Menu plugin to add product categories to the mega menu in your WooCommerce site.

How to Add WooCommerce Categories to Page

You can do this in several ways. The easiest way to go is to use the WooCommerce category shortcode.
WooCommerce Category Shortcode
There are 2 shortcodes to display your product categories on any page

  • [product_category] – to display products in a specified product category
  • [product_categories] – to display all your product categories

How to Hide WooCommerce Categories

When you have hundreds and thousands of product categories you would want to hide a few WooCommerce categories. You can do this using the Hide Categories On Shop Page plugin to hide the product categories you want.

Did you find this plugins list useful? Which Category accordion plugin are you using? Do you want to suggest another plugin? Let us know in the comments section.

YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion Free (No longer available)

YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion Free is a free WordPress plugin that gives you a practical toggle accordion to choose exactly where you want to go, both from WordPress and WooCommerce categories.

Main features of YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion Free plugin:

  • Gives you a widget using which you can show the category accordions in any widgetized areas
  • Can show WordPress and WooCommerce categories and subcategories
  • Has a vertical menu accordion
  • It highlights the current category
  • Can display accordions Closed or Open

WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin by TechieResource (No longer available)

If you want to easily add a WooCommerce category accordion as a widget or shortcode then the WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin by TechieResource is a good option. It allows you to list WooCommerce product categories and subcategories into a vertical accordion with expanding or collapse options.

Best Features of WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin

  • Offers 9+ color schemes and 14+ Font Awesome Icons for easy brand customization
  • Has easy to use shortcode that can be modified on a TinyMCE editor and used on any post or page
  • Supports Click and Hover type events with Toggle and Continuous collapse options
  • Allows you to highlight the current product parent category and subcategory


  • It’s only $20 with lifetime updates that make it affordable.
  • It does not have the option to Include categories but only to exclude. If you have a large number of categories this would be a problem.
  • Some customers have reported the support as poor.


WooCommerce Category Accordion plugin is sold in CodeCanyon at $20 for 6 months support and support can be extended for $5.63

2 thoughts on “9+ Best WooCommerce Category Accordion, Menu & Listing Plugins (2024)”

  1. Is thaere a plugin werhr I can change the Categorylink so I can link to the previus website withe the filter alredy korekt selekted and dont have to wory about the produkt-categorys website

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