Recommended WordPress Hosting

The most reliable & trustworthy WordPress hosting, highly compatible with Helpie

There are of thousands of web hosts out there, the vast majority of which meet the minimum requirements of Helpie.

However dealing with thousands of customers using many different web hosts, we have found some with the best hosting environment.

These are our recommended WordPress hosting providers:

Kinsta is a high-performance managed WordPress hosting provider. If you want a premium web host with quality and service you can choose Kinsta. Available deal is 2 months free for the yearly plan.

Bluehost offers the most affordable WordPress hosting with valuable features and comes with easily scalable plans. Available deal is 50% off for the first order.

a2Hosting is a performance-optimized and speedy hosting provider, with great shared WordPress hosting plans. It is a good choice, especially if you have heavy themes and inefficient plugin in your site. Available deal is 51% off for the first order.

SiteGround is a very popular WordPress hosting provider with managed WordPress hosting. If you want a web host who is fast and secure and also affordable, SiteGround is a great choice. Available deal is 66% off for the first order.

We know how overwhelming it can be to choose a hosting service for your website. A little trick we like to recommend is to see what hosting company other sites are using and just copy them. For instance, you can use a hosting detector tool like hooshosting and just check what your competitors are using. One you find that out, things tend to be much easier.

If you’re new to WordPress and wondering how to create a WordPress website see this tutorial to create a WordPress website in lesss than 5 minustes.

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