Design your own Knowledge Base/Wiki templates with Helpie + Elementor’s Template Builder

You can create custom templates for your knowledge base/wiki with Elementor page builder plugin and Helpie WordPress Knowledge Base plugins. Helpie Knowledge base/Wiki gives you Elementor Theme Builder integration which harnesses the power of Elementor to create your own knowledge base/Wiki template.

What you can do with this Knowledge Base Template feature:

  • Create customs templates for your knowledge base/Wiki Main page, Single Article pages, and Category pages.
  • Apply different templates for different articles and pages using Elementor’s Display Conditions
  • Use all of Elementor’s widgets especially Dynamic widgets on your knowledge base/Wiki articles

Here’s a sample Helpie knowledge base/Wiki article using a Helpie Default Template. It’s simple, elegant and serves the purpose.

When you get creative and want to design it in a new way, you can use Helpie Knowledge base and Elementor theme builder integration.
In the picture below, the same article is given a customized design using Elementor Template.

The Page Layout, Fonts, and Colors are all changed with Elementor. We have even added Elementor widgets such as Social Share Button, Author Box, Post Info, etc., This is just a sample, and you can do much more customization with Helpie and Elementor.

You can also apply different templates using specific conditions like Wiki Categories and Tags using “Display Conditions” option and show difference where ever you want. Just set it once and it will be displayed everywhere on your knowledge base!

Please note that Theme Builder is a feature of Elementor Pro version. So if you’re using Elementor Free version you need to upgrade to Elementor Pro to enjoy this feature.

Know more about Elementor Pro, read a full review on Elementor Pro page builder!

With Helpie and Elementor free version you can design a main page for you knowledge base with the help of custom widgets of Helpie. But you cannot change the single article page or the wiki category page.

How to Customize Knowledge Base Single Article Template?

To customize your template; first change your knowledge base settings. Go to the  “Helpie Settings” on your website’s dashboard; you can find the Single page settings when you click the ‘Single Page’ menu. Here you have to change the Template Source from ‘Helpie Default Template’’ to ‘Theme single Template’ and save the changes.

Add a New Template using the  Elementor “Templates” -> Theme builder on the dashboard. In the New Template, select the template type as “Single” and Post type as “Article”, give it a name you want and then click “Create Template”.

After you have created a New Template, it’s time to customize. You can change the default Fonts, Colors and Page Layout using Elementor. You  have to add the elements “Post Title” and “Post Content” to display the Title and Contents of your knowledge base article template.

Now you can add all other Elementor elements (widgets) that you want to show in your knowledge base template. You can also use Helpie’s widgets such as Table of Contents, Stats section, Category listing and Hero section into your template.

Note that when you search for any Helpie component in the elementor widget section, it would be basically show two different Widgets for a same component. For example, when you search for “Helpie article listing”, you would see something as below:

To use our component, you should use the one with the three horizontal line (The one in the right), not the one with the “W” symbol (This is WordPress widget).

Applying Elementor Display Conditions to your Knowledge Base Article

After adding all your customization to the template, click the “Display Conditions” options using the arrow icon in the “Publish” button.

Add a condition to include “Articles” (as shown in the picture below) and “All” in the next column and then publish your template. Now you have successfully customized your knowledge base/Wiki article template with Elementor.

Setting Different Templates for Single Articles

If you want to apply different templates for different articles, select ‘Articles’ and in next column select the articles/pages in which you want this template to be applied.


Another way to do this, you can also add a ‘Exclude’ condition to exclude all the articles which you don’t want this template applied. You can create another template and apply it to these excluded pages/articles. In the mean time they will have the default Helpie templates which you can change in the settings page of Helpie knowledge base.

How to Create a Template for Knowledge Base Category Page?

We have seen creating custom templates for single article page. There is also a Wiki Category page for each of the Categories (topics) on your knowledge base. Lets see how to create a custom template for the Category page.

Note that if you want to create a template for the Category page or Main page, you should use our CPT Archive page in the Helpie Main page settings. You should not use a custom page in it. You can find it in Helpie settings -> Main page -> “Where do you want your Main page?”. In this, CPT Archive should be selected. You should not select a custom page which you created.

On your dashboard, go to Elementor Templates -> Theme builder and click ‘Add New’. In the New Template page select ‘Archive’ as the template type, give the name of this template and click the ‘Create Template’ button.

You will be taken to a new page which shows a Template Library of Pre-made made Elementor Archive templates. In this example, I will show how to create our own archive template for Helpie category pages.

To create an archive template for Helpie categories, you need to use our Helpie Article listing widget.  Find the Helpie Article Listing widget on Elementor Pro’s control panel and drag it into the canvas. Edit the Article listing like you want; give a title, no. of columns, Show Image etc.. Filter the topics by your wiki categories. Note that you should create each template for each category by filtering it in it’s topics

After you have done with the editing go to ‘Display Conditions by’ click the upward arrow button near ‘Publish’ like we did earlier for the single article page.

In the Publish Settings, add a condition to include ‘Wiki Categories’ and select the particular wiki category, in this case “Codecanyon” as shown in the image and click ‘Save & Close’.

In the same way you should create template for every category (by filtering it in the topics) and set the display condition according to it’s particular category.

Now, Go to the Category page on your knowledge base and see the template you designed being applied to the page. You can come back to the template and edit it again until you get the perfect template.

We have created a Category page template in just few minutes using the Elementor theme builder. You can create awesome custom templates for your knowledge base/Wiki categories using this feature.

How to create a custom template for your Knowledge Base Main page?

On your dashboard, go to Elementor Templates -> Theme builder and click ‘Add New’. In the New Template page select ‘Archive’ as the template type, give the name of this template and click the ‘Create Template’ button.

Helpie Elementor Widgets

There are basically 10 Helpie Elementor widgets.

Note that when you search for any Helpie component in the Elementor widget section, it would be basically show two different Widgets for a same component (As shown above). To use our component, you should use the one with the three horizontal line (The one in the below), not the one with the “W” symbol (The one in the top).

To set a template for Main page, these components would be useful for you:

  • Helpie Hero Section – gives you a Hero section.
  • Helpie Search box – gives you a broad search bar.
  • Helpie Stats Section – display the statistics of the authors, topics, and articles on your knowledge base.
  • Helpie Category Listing – gives you a list of wiki categories/topics; you can choose which categories to be displayed.
  • Helpie Table of Contents – a responsive table of contents to navigate your knowledge base
  • Helpie Page Controls – Gives you a ‘New Article’ button which will allows users to add articles from the front-end itself

You can use these widgets along with other Elementor widgets to design an innovative main page for your knowledge base.

After you have done with the editing go to ‘Display Conditions by’ clicking the upward arrow button near ‘Publish’ like we did earlier for the single article page and category page.

Select Articles archive in the condition which will set the template for the Helpie Kb/Wiki Main page.


Switch to Elementor Pro to Customize your KB articles

This Elementor template builder integration is only available on Elementor Pro. With Elementor Pro, you can add many premium widgets to your knowledge base like Forms, Social share buttons, Navigation and many more. Build a creative and powerful knowledge base with Helpie and Elementor Pro!

Want to create a customizable Knowledge base like this, get Helpie Knowledge base plugin now!

4 thoughts on “Design your own Knowledge Base/Wiki templates with Helpie + Elementor’s Template Builder”

  1. The Single “Post content” elementor widget appears to include the Breadcrumb data. Is there a way to turn this off to get just the content data?

    1. Hi Mike,

      Sorry about that. We are aware of this and is already in our fix list. As of now, you can hide it by using simple css. I will make sure to let you know once the fix is pushed up.

      1. Hello Stephen. I used:

        .pauple_helpie_breadcrumbs {
        display: none;

        But this hides all breadcrumbs. Do you have a better suggestion?

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