Helpie 1.9.1- Introducing Autolinking and New Design Features

We have recently launched Helpie v1.9.1 with new Design and Autolinking features. With this new version almost every part of your knowledge base can be easily customized and link to one another.

What’s new with Helpie 1.9.1?

Helpie 1.9.1 gives you advanced features for branding and styling so that you can make sute that your knowledge base reflects your brand.

Design Features – customize almost every part of your knowledge base. You can change the layout, components, typography, borders, border styles and colors, margins and much more with Helpie Knowledge base plugin.

These customizations can be done in Helpie Settings in each of the following page settings,

  1. Design Settings page
  2. Main page (Components drag & drop)
  3. Category Settings page
  4. Search Results page

Autolinking – link your knowledge base articles automatically based on the article titles.

Design Page Settings

We have introduced a new Design page which has all the design settings for your knowledge base. This page has 3 tabs with different design settings, they are,


Customize the typography of your entire knowledge base with options for all of the Heading tags –  H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 and also the Paragraph. You can use choose the fronts from 900+ Google Fonts, change Font size, Line height and Letter spacing with live preview.


You can change the wrapper width, and adjust top margin for various devices.

Hero Section 

Can customize the Hero Section with Colors, Color Gradients, Background Images and Illustrations.

There is no need to use any page builder or other tools to customize your knowledge base but if you want more options you can see Helpie and Elementor Template Builder integration.

Main Page Settings

In this new version of Helpie, almost all of the components of the knowledge base main page can be arranged using a Drag and Drop options. These components are,

  • Hero Section,
  • Stats Section,
  • Category Section,
  • Article Listing Section and
  • Categories to be displayed on the Main page

Category Page Settings

The knowledge base category page which displays the list of articles in a wiki category. In this article listing page you can customize things such as,

  • Article List Style – Minimal / Boxed
  • Number of Columns
  • Typography
  • Border
  • Icon Color
  • Margin

You can create a category page displaying article list link the one below! This is just a sample, even better designs can be done!

There are also options for listing child categories.

Search Results Page Settings

One of the most important pages of a knowledge base is the search results page. Helpie gives you the option to customize your knowledge base search results page. No other tool in the market gives you these options.

You can change the text displayed on the search bar and an empty search page.

The title of the article will be displayed by default. You can choose the various fields to be displayed on the search result such as,

  • Post Description
  • Featured Image
  • Meta Data
  • Tags

If you choose to display the post description, the length of the description can be altered.

Single Search Result Settings

The Typography, Border, Padding and Margin of a single search result can be customized to help your users find the best answer easily. Various fields in a search result which can be customized are,

  • Header
  • Title
  • Category
  • Meta Data
  • Search Text

The Font, Font size, Color, Height and Spacing for these fields in a search result can be changed.

Search Box: you can add a border to the Search Box and change the Color and Style of the Search Box.

This is an example of a search results simple but effective search results page which you can design using Helpie Knowledge base

Introducing Autolinking

Autolinking is a feature by which a hyperlink of articles existing in your knowledge base  is automatically added to some ‘keywords’ when you publish a new article. This ‘Keywords’ need to match the exact title of the article which you want to link.

It is an important wiki feature which was requested by many of the Helpie Users.

Also there are new in-page navigation with Helpie Table of Contents in this new version of Helpie Knowledge base.

Checkout these capabilities for yourself!

So what are you waiting for? Helpie gives you a 7-day free trial. Start a free trial and test these features for yourself.

If you are already a Helpie wiki user, update the Helpie wiki plugin on your website to enjoy the new wiki features.

Currently, we have Multi-site licenses available for very affordable pricing. Since Helpie gets better and better the price could go up any minute. So don’t keep waiting!

1 thought on “Helpie 1.9.1- Introducing Autolinking and New Design Features”

  1. Hello.. can you please share the recent changelog of the WPHelpie wiki.. and also if you have implemented the plan to have a page for the article contributor to see all the article he/she have contributed / edits/ and the status of those articles.

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