Every successful company will have one thing in common, that is happy customers. As much as we work on our product to be the best, in the same manner, we as a company need to be working on keeping our customers happy before, through and after they do business with us. Let’s look at a few stories of good customer service that melted customer’s heart.
1. A Pilot and His Passenger – Southern Airlines:
I must say, I was impressed with this pilot for taking such a bold step at the risk of losing his job but for the sake of an old man who was going to say goodbye to his grandson for the last time, a pilot of Southern Airlines didn’t hesitate but did what was necessary at that moment.
The old man had just received a piece of devastating news that his daughter’s boyfriend had beaten his grandson to coma and that his grandson was going to be taken off of life support so his organs can save someone else’s life. The old man was going to travel from L.A to Tucson and then to Denver. His wife had called Southern airlines and explained the situation and urgency of traveling and managed to get a last-minute flight.
The old man showed up at the airport 2 hours before his flight but still by the time he came to the final gate he was 12mins late, he was held up by the crowd in the line. Our Pilot knowing the situation of the man refused to fly (aware of the old man’s situation) and waited till the man boarded the flight.
Pilot quoted, “They can’t go anywhere without me and I wasn’t going anywhere without you. Now relax. We’ll get you there. And again, I’m so sorry”.
For an airline company being punctual is their priority but that day pilot went an extra mile for the sake of a customer and the southern airline appreciated and supported the decision the pilot took in the time of need.
You can create your own customer service philosophy like the good pilot did.
2. An Employee Willing to do More – Starbucks:
This amazing story of an employee working in Starbucks will make you tear a little. It’s amazing how Krystal (Employee) didn’t just mind her business to just taking orders and then serving them their order but wanted to develop connections with her regular customers.
So much so that she decided to learn sign language for her regular customer Ibby Piracha who was deaf. We all know the challenges a person who can’t hear can face trying to communicate to the executive what he wants to order.
On realizing this Krystal handed a note to Ibby saying, “I’ve been learning ASL, American Sign Language, just so you can have the same experience as everyone else”
Ibby was so moved by this kind gesture by this employee that he framed that note later.
Krystal later quoted. “If he’s a regular, and I want to make that connection with my regulars, I should be able to at least ask him what he wants to drink.”
Krystal’s thought of wanting to make every customer experience effortless and as best as possible really inspires us to look at customer service jobs in a totally different way. It definitely is an important skill to have when we are serving our customers to think about how we can make their experience more worthwhile.
Now Ibby enjoys the customer service at his favorite Starbucks like never before.
Also see: Laws of Customer Service
3.An Employee who Drove 23 miles – Morton’s:
Peter Shankman, is an author, consultant, and speaker on the topic of customer service, he knows a thing or two about it. While at an airport, Shankman was hungry and realized he needed to eat before his next flight back or he may have to travel empty stomach.
So jokingly with no expectations in return he tweeted saying
“Hey @Mortons – can you meet me at New York airport with a porterhouse when I land in two hours? K, thanks. :)”.
To his surprise, one of the employees of Mortons drove 23 miles to the airport to greet Shankman with a full meal. Even though he’s a long-time customer of the steakhouse Shankman never expected this to happen knowing steak cannot come on wheels.
But an employee at the Mortons valued their regular customer to this extent that he would do out of the usual.
Later Shankman tweeted,
“Oh. My. God. I don’t believe it. @mortons showed up at EWR WITH A PORTERHOUSE!
One of the most interesting things about Shankman’s story is that he admits that this “stunt” was meant to be out of the ordinary and that it’s completely OK.
“Customer service isn’t about telling people how awesome you are, it’s about creating stories that do the talking for you.”
Also see: Affordable Tools for Effective Customer Support
4.An Employee to the Rescue – Burger King:
Rebecca Boening posted on her Facebook one Friday, that while she was driving around the city of Amarillo, Texas, her blood sugar dropped to a very low level. Being a diabetic, Boening understood her levels fell to life-threatening state and that as soon as possible she had to get herself something to eat.
And as she was stumbling to place an order talking to the voice on the speaker she mentioned that she was diabetic and that she was in need of food. Tina Hardy aware of what low sugar levels can do and that it can be life-threatening, Tina rushed with a cup of ice cream in her hand squeezing in between the building and the car to Rebecca as she was pulling up the window to pay for her food.
“Tina later explained that her husband was also diabetic and she could tell that Boening needed help,” Boening wrote.
“After paying Boening pulled up to Tina’s window where she gave her, her food. That wasn’t the end, later Tina instructed Boening to park across the driveway so that she could keep an eye on Boening until she felt better,” Boening added.
What makes these stories stand out is one employee going out of their way and out of the ordinary for a customer. These stories of employees going the extra mile for their customers really set goals for how we should be treating our customers.
These stories of employees going the extra mile for their customers really set goals for how we should be treating our customers. There is no success story, no business without customers. When customers are so important for a company’s growth, sales and success, it is crucial for companies to make the customer their priority.
Also read: How to Handle Angry Customers
You Can Provide Great Customer Service Too!
It is no wonder that these companies are successful, but the good news is that your company can also provide this level of service to your customers.
Helpie Knowledge base is a great tool to create a customer self-help portal. You may not be able to afford personal care for your customers, but you sure can help your customers find the answers they need.
Tell us what you think for the examples we provided? Share any good customer stories in the comments section.
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